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  • History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Travis Davis
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Travis Davis
    Множество дати
    ср, 25.09
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    25.09.2024 г., 02:00 ч. – 06:00 ч. Гринуич-6
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    25.09.2024 г., 02:00 ч. – 06:00 ч. Гринуич-6
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    Paul Rushworth-Brown speaks with author Travis Davis about his wonderful novel 'One of Four'. From New York Harbor to the battlefields of France, relive World War One through the eyes of an unknown soldier, as told through his diary.
  • History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Ryan Hale
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Ryan Hale
    Множество дати
    чт, 26.09
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    26.09.2024 г., 18:30 ч. – 19:10 ч. Гринуич-6
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    26.09.2024 г., 18:30 ч. – 19:10 ч. Гринуич-6
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    Host Paul Rushworth-Brown speaks with Author Ryan Hale about his cozy mystery novel 'Wallingford Heights: The Hair Raisers - Weird Science'. In the charming but secretive town of Wallingford Heights, 1893, three hairdressers and a seamstress are more than just masters of style.
  • History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Max Willi Fischer
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Max Willi Fischer
    Множество дати
    пт, 27.09
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    27.09.2024 г., 19:00 ч. – 20:00
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    27.09.2024 г., 19:00 ч. – 20:00
    History Bards and Down Under Interviews
    Discover the stories behind the stories on 'History Bards and Down Under Interviews,' the must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike. Dive into the creative minds of today’s top authors, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and journeys that bring their captivating works to life.

History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Max Willi Fischer

Discover the stories behind the stories on 'History Bards and Down Under Interviews,' the must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike. Dive into the creative minds of today’s top authors, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and journeys that bring their captivating works to life.

History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Max Willi Fischer
History Bards and Down Under Interviews Author Max Willi Fischer

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2 още дати

27.09.2024 г., 19:00 ч. – 20:00

History Bards and Down Under Interviews


  • Down Under Interviews

    Discover the stories behind the stories on 'History Bards and Down Under Interviews,' the must-watch vodcast for readers and writers alike. Dive into the creative minds of today’s top authors, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and journeys that bring their captivating works to life.

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